Thursday 3 October 2013

Have you found your forte??

OK, so for those of you who are wondering (or even care) what I do with my time besides write a lousy blog, then here it is in a nutshell…

I develop brands! AKA the Brand Developer of a young digital design and marketing agency.

About now is when I see the confusion sweep over your face as I announce my job title - “What exactly is a Brand Developer?” And the truth is the title is a little vague because my job description is also. I am still searching for my ‘forte’ as some would call it.

The title came about when an opportunity arose within a digital design agency to become part of their creative team. The exact job title was unconfirmed however, and to my surprise they asked me what I would like to specialise in. PR automatically sprang to mind as it was a discipline I thought I was good at when at university (until you hit the real world and realise you actually don’t have a clue). 

The term ‘PR Executive’ however sounds very industry standard and a little bit ironic for a creative person to be titled something so boring and drab. And so I got started on coming up with some possible titles. They asked me to incorporate the term ‘brand’ so I that I didn’t pigeon-hole myself, but really it was because neither they, nor I, really had a clue of what it was that I was good at, what my speciality was? 

Here are some of the titles that I proposed to the team:

Brand Guru

Brand Innovator

Brand Technician

Brand Engineer

Brand Imagineer

Until finally, it was agreed…             Brand Developer 

Personally I thought Guru sounded more creative but perhaps a tad on the unprofessional side – there is a fine line between the two in this business but that calls for a separate discussion! 

So referring back to the question, “What exactly is a Brand Developer?” I would simply respond with, “Oh, I do a little bit of everything from drafting press releases, to organising events and updating social media”. This does of course all apply under ‘Brand Developer’; however I couldn't help feel a little jealous that I didn't specialise within a specific discipline. Our Creative Director spent hours designing artwork, she was known as a Designer, but for me, I just continued doing ‘a little bit of everything.’

UNTIL one day it came to me. Like an epiphany hits Einstein (well not quite), but I found that I LOVE writing. And yes, this also can involve a little bit of everything from writing press releases, creating social media posts, posting blogs, or producing copy write for brochures and newsletters. Hmmm copy write? Perhaps copywriting is my forte?

They do say that asking someone in their early years of school to tell you what they want to be when they grow up is like asking the British public what their thoughts are on independence. CLUELESS!

And so it was decided that some things are best just left as they are. Who wants to be titled a boring old Copywriter anyway? Perhaps I’ll just stick with what I have. Keep them guessing. After all, curiosity did eventually kill the cat. 

Thursday 26 September 2013

'Castles in the sky'

It was a rare, sunny day in Autumn and so my other half and I decided to go on a road trip. We had previously been told that the castle walks up North are beautiful and so I thought I would take up this opportunity to become a photographer for the day...

Fyvie Castle (it's pink!)

Panoramic walled garden

Anyone home??

"Oh flower of Scotland..."

"...when will we seeee?!"


No, it's just a meerkat... 

"I moustache you a question..."

"...have you seen my peapod?!"

'Cinderella shall go to the ball!'

LAST STOP... the beach :)  

Saturday 14 September 2013

Halloween is coming, the geese are getting fat...

Ok it's still over a month away, but I love it! Definitely one of the best traditions of the year! I love the creativity surrounding it; everything from the make-up to costume-making, and also interior design if you plan on having your own party.

Here is a snapshot from our party last year, a lot of effort went into both the costumes and decorations!

THIS YEAR.. I will be a skeleton.

 Scary but beautiful! 

I love, love this next idea too... 

But for me, Halloween is all about being scary! Forget your sexy nurse outfit, it's tacky! 

Ditch this....                                                                    

And go for this...

Some more inspiring make-up ideas. 

 Scary scarecrow


 Queen of hearts

This year, my other-half also has to make the effort. He lacks creativity however, so hopefully if I can get my hands on him then I would love to try this look out...

Cheap, yet effective!

Hopefully some of these ideas have inspired you for this year. However, should you feel the above is still a bit to safe for you, I will leave you with the following... terrifying! 


Thursday 12 September 2013

Out with the old and in the with new?? No wait I want to keep the old!

A couple of sunny days ago, my partner and I took a walk along the beach, leaving our lifelines behind (yes our iPhones). As I came back to our home, I checked my mobile to find a missed call from my old flat mate from Belfast. That's a surprise I thought, we text now and again but rarely kept in touch after graduating from university. Although a surprise, it was a good one at that. She then left a text message to say she was phoning to ask about my birthday and looking for a catch up, and only last week she left a lovely birthday message saying how she missed me. It felt good. Especially coming from someone, who being sentimental was not their forte. It made me think, I really should make the effort to keep in touch with friends, as let's face it they don't come along often, good ones anyway!

But then it is hard, isn't it? It's hard balancing your busy career and finding the time to visit or socialise with the various groups of friends you have met along the way. And I have to admit, I am guilty for cutting people off the minute they don't make an effort with me. But perhaps I'm the pot calling the kettle black? Perhaps I'm just as bad??

This got me thinking. Not only do I want to make new friends, I also want to keep my old ones. As exciting as it may seem, it is also really hard to build new friendships. I don't exactly want to walk around my new town with a sign hovering above my head saying 'Friends Wanted, Apply Within', even though I do feel quite desperate sometimes. But it is easier to maintain the established friendships than to create new ones. I love my partner to bits but I also miss my girly chat; talk of what shoes go with which outfit and which Victoria's Secret model we have a girl-crush on (mines being Lily Aldridge).

It is good just to talk about things other than work and the serious stuff in life and just have a giggle. And on that note, I have decided to desert this post and go give my Belfast buddy a call...

Wednesday 11 September 2013

City Life: From Edinburgh to Aberdeen

One of my goals in life - to live, or at least visit, every capital in Europe.

So far I have conquered Edinburgh, London, Dublin & Paris. To me this is not good enough. 24 years of age and only four of Europe's capitals. Yes, I have been on family holidays to Spain and Greece, etc but only to the British tourist parts. Euggh! I want to learn more about culture and food and language (my French and Spanish are basic). I missed out on the whole travelling experience before/after university and instead of letting it be an aspect I deeply regret, I have promised myself to visit at least one Europe city a year, from now on!

However I digress... today's post is actually about the culture shock I felt moving from one part of Scotland to the other and I began to wonder if I could actually handle living in a city across the sea after all!

After only having visited Edinburgh around 2 times in my life before moving there for university (shocking I know), it only took a couple of months before I fell in love with the capital. Everything from the character of the old town to the lovely restaurants, bars and feel-good atmosphere of the bustling city. Especially during festival time! Although the culture in Edinburgh is often diverse due to its high tourism rate, I still felt everyone as being friendly and willing to open doors, or respond with a simple 'thank you'. When university had eventually drew to an end and I felt the dread of temporarily moving back in with the parentals I told myself 'Edinburgh - I will see you again soon!'.

Perhaps I should eat my words. As the year went on and I had no luck with a 'proper' job my hopes of seeing the capital again were slowly dying. In fact, they came to a complete death when I was offered a job in Aberdeen. Aberdeen you say? I don't even know what Aberdeen looks like? All I had was my stereotypical vision of a lot of sheep and plenty of rugged-looking oil and gas men. In fact I imagined men everywhere, and not in the good sense...

Nevertheless, I have always been an open-minded individual and so decided to suck it up and take the risk of moving Northbound. Although this position was not my career choice, it would be a good income and as I was repeatedly told by my parents 'it could open a lot of doors for you Dannielle'.

As I arrived in my new street, I witnessed a fairly acceptable dressed, middle-aged man stick his head in a bin and pick out bits of rubbish. Yes, as my old Belfast flatmate would call it ' a bloody bin-hooker!'. OH DEAR.. NEVER in my life.. how could this be with all the money floating about in Aberdeen's little bubble. Not a good start I told myself! And as if struggling to cope with the terms from the oil and gas industry was not enough, I then heard language such as 'quine' and 'buttery' being thrown my way. It will take a while to get used to I thought. BUT persevere I will! I actually quite enjoy a challenge, in particular a culture one.

Now, 8 months has flown by and I can almost fully understand the wee manny behind the till at my local petrol garage, without a look of confusion spreading across my face. In fact my views are changing about the city entirely. I was offered a new job within my professional field after only 5 months of being up here and the people I work with are great! Part of my job now is to media monitor and I can't help but notice how much the citizens of Aberdeen are willing to get involved in the city projects, it gives a proper sense of community. Even large oil and gas tycoons are willing to help out with the budgets and renovations of Aberdeen.

I admit, considering the amount of money within the city I feel its landscape and social opportunities do not reflect this, but in fairness it has potential. I love that you can experience city life, country life and beach life all within a 15 mile radius. And so far there has been a lot of sunshine! Lets see if I will be eating my words again shortly...

Tuesday 10 September 2013

About Time!

Ever find yourself muttering these words to someone or something? I, like many people, tend to wish my life away - or so it seems. I call it the itchy feet syndrome.

It all started when I heard the droning sound of the school bell - the death of me first thing in the morning yet my new lease of life when the clock struck 3.30pm. On this occasion in particular, it was the latter. The last EVER time I would hear this deafening noise - school had ended for good, about time!

And so a few months later, onto university I went... the best years of my life! I got to meet a lot of great people; some perhaps a little too zany for me, and others so controversial that they all became walking variations of one another, but nevertheless, great people. I had a lot of friends whilst at school but was never one of the outgoing, crazy characters that would risk putting a foot out of line just to create some drama in the classroom. No. I was the sweet, innocent girl who enjoyed this drama but only from the outside looking in.

I figured, however, that university changed me slightly, and for the better. I felt a stronger, more opinionated character that was brave enough step over the line, as many encouraged me to push my limits. Dare I say it, I was becoming a young woman. As fourth year drew close and the stress of the dissertation turned everyone into their own form of Victor Mildrew, I, again suffered the itchy feet syndrome and wanted it all to be over. I was fed up of being a skint - yet somehow partying every other night - student, and most of all I was fed up studying. I wanted to put my theory into practice, get into the real world, and get a proper job.

It was Friday 20th April, 2012. Deadline day. Me, being the overly-organised character that I am, had completed my dissertation two days ago (although reluctant to admit it) and was glad to eventually wake up on this day, about time!

Everyone, I think, leaves university with great expectations of becoming the next Richard Branson, Simon Cowell or even Victor Mildrew. Yet I found this whole ordeal as one giant anti-climax. I graduated from Edinburgh Napier with a 2:1 honours degree (2% off a first I must add!) and yet it took me many interviews all around the UK and a whole year just to secure a position within my field - I eventually became the Brand Developer for a young Scottish creative design agency. It would seem all of my dreams had come true, yet even with my itchy feet syndrome still ticking away inside, this time I cannot find the words to say 'about time', for once I feel like I am not quite there yet and beginning to question what it is that I am striving for exactly?

So in the meantime, I figured it's time to start a blog to keep my itchy feet at bay. At least for now.